4 october - 5 october 2023 kistamässan

LC Packaging Nordic

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Big Bags And The Circular Economy

In the fast-changing environment of sustainable business practices, it’s important to be on top of new developments and to drive innovation together with partners and customers. At LC Packaging, we believe that our packaging can be a valuable resource instead of waste: a circular packaging solution.

Making our packaging more sustainable in cooperation with our customers and our production- and sustainability partners is therefore a key priority for us, and is one of the three themes of our 2030 Ambition.

Big Bags (also known as FIBCs) come with many benefits, but also with challenges. On the one hand, they prevent waste by protecting and preserving the valuable goods inside in the most efficient way possible.

On the other hand, FIBCs are often not offered for reuse/reconditioning or recycling, and many FIBCs become waste after use: at least 80% ends up incinerated or in landfill. And that needs to change!

Contributing to a world without waste
To contribute to this change, we are continuously working on innovative solutions in the field of reuse, recycling and recycled content. We have also joined forces with industry partners, sustainability parties and customers.

Big Bags reuse, recycling and recycled content
Creating a Circular Economy for Big Bags means designing, reusing, collecting and recycling them into new Big Bags. Together, we can make sure that Big Bags are designed for recycling, reused as often as possible, and turned into new ones at the end of their lifecycle.

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