4 october - 5 october 2023 kistamässan

Pulpac AB
Pulpac AB

Pulpac AB


PulPac the company

PulPac provides a groundbreaking manufacturing technology, Dry Molded Fiber, which can be used for packaging and single-use products, safe for food contact, consequently replacing its’ plastic equivalents. Dry Molded Fiber is an industrial method that converts cellulose fibers into sustainable, high-performing products.

PulPac, based in Gothenburg, Sweden, is the technology leader and owner of the patent portfolio for Dry Molded Fiber. To inspire and create change for a sustainable future, collaboration with the global packaging industry is needed. Which is why PulPac’s main business is to license its technology to global packaging manufacturers while offering support in development, customization and creating a sustainable supply chain.

Dry Molded Fiber

First things first – the Dry Molded Fiber process requires no water, apart from a slight air humidity. Since no water is used, the energy consumption is low, all in all resulting in up to 80% lower CO2 than alternatives. Furthermore, Dry Molded Fiber is on par with plastic when it comes to production speed and unit costs. The entire cycle time for a product is 3.5 seconds including the actual molding of a part which is below 0.5 seconds, all done through an automated process with 99% material efficiency.

Dry Molded Fiber-products made with sustainable barriers can be recycled as paper and will decay naturally while causing no harm to surrounding nature – including the ocean.

Apart from the benefits already mentioned, Dry Molded Fiber uses general pulp (typically from wood), which is a resource that is available globally. This leads PulPac to believe it is entirely possible to make Dry Molded Fiber a global standard and shift the industry towards a sustainable, plastic-free future. That said,

PulPac’s aim is to replace 1 million tons of plastic by 2025 through sharing Dry Molded Fiber with the world.


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